These are the earliest works I own up to. I was influenced by what was happening then in European music, I attempted to use similar numerical/stochastic methods to organise space as composers were using to organise time. The Czech artist Zdeněk Sýkora independently started to use very similar methods and technology in the early 1970’s

LARGE PAINTINGS 1970 -1995, and a few notes

Contrafactum is a transcription of a motet by Machault for 3 voices

Hagoromo 1 of 5 based on a Noh play

Amongst Drifting Tides – Verse & Refrain  each uses material in different ways e.g., verse-refrain, closed-open, prose-verse

Vorgefühle 1 of 3 paintings about Berg, Webern and this one Schoenberg is amongst my best.

WATERCOLOUR 1982 -1985

For a period I worked mainly in watercolour, this is a small selection, later I was to take it up again but in a very different way

71-72. EUROPEAN PASTORALS. These 15 paintings are the result of the interweaving of a design cut into the paper and overlaid and woven into the lower sheet. The number, direction and position of the marks are pre-composed, as are decisions if a shape is to be simple or complex, but that still leaves room for improvisation.

PAINTINGS 1994 -1995

A Rhythm of Light. 1978. A theme that wouldn’t leave me alone, later morphed into  Kruhové Vynálezy  (circular inventions), 10 paintings variously in acrylic, oil, watercolour and screen print.

In 1994 and a 10 year gap, after doing a large mural in 1993, I returned to larger paintings with 80 & 81 based strictly on numerical structures


73. CANONIC STUDIES 1992 -93

These use very strict structure not far removed from those of Eye Music

74. La lecture was a collaboration with the late Robin Freeman


11 paintings various in scale and medium all based on an idée fixe from my childhood



 Wanting to clear my mind I made around 200 paintings in the countryside or village. Just concentration and the craft of painting with no regard to meaning, content or style. I now know they made the new foundation when I started to paint after a 5 year gap in March 2020.