Born 1945 near London. Lived in North England, the Czech Republic and Ireland.
My first exhibition was at Sunderland in 1966, it included work from 1964, all apart from Eye Music have since been destroyed. Having always been independent and under the radar to the point of folly. Looking back over my work, as I have done for making this new website, I see I often wander off into the undergrowth to explore a technique, obsession or idea, yet always come back to core ideas that were established in Song To The Dancer II of 1981-1991
There are 3 abiding influences on how I paint. First a novelist, the Austrian Robert Musil whom I encountered at 14, you can find a quote from him as you wander this website. Second a composer, again an Austrian Anton Webern. Thirdly and most obviously is Nicolas Poussin. All three needed to integrate the emotional with the intellectual as do I.
In February 2014 a personal tragedy collapsed my life as a painter, the only exception being long contemplated revisions to the pair of paintings I made in memory of Luboš Vinš for an exhibition in the Czech Republic in 2018
In March 2020 I started again when an encounter ended my block, and made me reassess who I was. From that point on the stream flowed with renewed vigour.