It exists! 


In 1960 a friendship with George Baghurst, a stalwart of the Clarion Cycling Club, communism and the International Brigade got me my first handmade Holdsworth bike, alas stolen in 1970, As a replacement I was given a Moulton, the first of many, and a fascination with the history and design of the bicycle started. But motorcycles took over and my bicycles were neglected. In 1984 I had a serious accident which ended my motorcycling. To get fit for an operation on my leg in 2010 I started cycling again. After the operation on April 2011 a new Moulton TSR soon rebuilt my fitness. Followed in 2014 by an Alex Moulton New Series and a year later replaced by the extravagance of a New Series Double Pylon which I adore. From my fascination with the possibilities of bike design I  joined the British Human Power Club and start racing with my first recumbent an Orbit Cristal, later joined by an Optima Stinger in 2020.